What to do and what not to do while buying a home

Navigating the home buying process can be complex, but following these do’s and don’ts can help ensure a smoother experience. Do take the time to get pre-approved before house hunting, and be honest with your lender about your financial situation. Don’t quit or change your job, make major purchases, or co-sign for anyone while trying to buy a home. Remember, even in the excitement of finding a potential home, it’s crucial to stay cautious and avoid discussing sensitive information or making impulsive decisions.


    1. Do spend the time to get pre-approved BEFORE you go shopping. There is nothing more painful than finding the perfect home and not being able to make an offer on it.
    2. Do be completely honest with your lender about child support, alimony, garnishments or any other payroll deductions.
    3. Do fill out your loan application with your name as it appears on your driver’s license. This really matters when the notary shows up to help you sign your loan docs.
    4. Do get a signed gift letter and bank statement from your family member if they are giving you money to purchase your home.
    5. Do take advice from family and friends with a grain of salt. They mean well, but their experience may be limited and their priorities for a home may not be the same as yours.
    6. Do tell us if you have any vacations planned during the time we will be in escrow.
    7. Do return all paperwork promptly to your lender and the escrow company. If you have questions, be sure to ask, so we can get your questions answered and move the
      process along.
    8. Do make an offer if you find a home that has 80% of what you want, 10% that you’re willing to change and 10% that you can live with. That’s a keeper!
    9. Do ask us questions at any time. We’re here to make sure you’re comfortable with the process and always feel well informed.


    1. Don’t quit or change your job.
    2. Don’t make a major purchase, not even on credit or with a delayed payment plan.
    3. Don’t allow a number of people to pull your credit.
    4. Don’t co-sign for ANYONE for ANYTHING while you are trying to buy a home.
    5. Don’t neglect to tell us if you are planning to use funds to buy your home that are not
      currently available and/or are out of the country.
    6. Don’t make David Copperfield deposits. (all funds need to be traceable)
    7. Don’t talk to the sellers directly. (loose lips sink ships)
    8. Don’t forget to tell us if you are allergic to animals.
    9. Don’t verbally trash a home while we are standing in it or talk about the offer you want to make. Many homes today have cameras and listening equipment.
    10. Don’t expect to find your dream home. No matter what your budget, there is always some level of compromise. Even Bill Gates probably doesn’t have everything he wanted in his home.
    11. Don’t post about the home you want to offer on, or are in the process of buying, on social media. Wait until escrow closes – then you can post away.

The following links will provide valuable information on the home buying process:

    • PRE-APPROVAL VS. PRE-QUALIFICATION Pre-approval involves a comprehensive review of your financial background by a lender, while pre-qualification is a preliminary assessment based on basic information provided by you.
    • CLOSING COSTSClosing costs are the fees and expenses associated with finalizing a real estate transaction, typically including loan origination fees, appraisal fees, and title insurance.
    • PROPERTY TAXES – Property taxes are assessed by local governments based on the value of a property and are used to fund public services such as schools, roads, and emergency services.
    • CONSIDER YOUR BUYING OPTIONS When considering your buying options, Dore and Geoff Baker encourage you to explore different neighborhoods and property types to find the best fit for your needs, ensuring you make a well-informed decision.
    • MAKING AN OFFER When it comes to making an offer on a home, Dore and Geoff Baker advise careful consideration and strategic planning to ensure you present a compelling offer that aligns with your budget and goals.
    • KEY CONCEPTS Understanding the key concepts in making an offer on a home, including earnest money, escrow, contingencies, and title insurance, is crucial for a smooth and successful real estate transaction.
    • DISCLOSURE & DISCOVERY Disclosure and Discovery rules ensure that buyers are fully informed about the property’s condition and any potential issues before completing the purchase.
    • HOME INSPECTION Home inspection is a crucial step in making an offer on a home, providing buyers with a detailed assessment of the property’s condition to make an informed decision.
    • CLOSING ON YOUR NEW HOME The final step in the home buying process, where ownership is transferred from the seller to the buyer, and all remaining paperwork and payments are completed.
    • BUYER’S ESCROW PLANNING TIMELINE Use this chart to draft your buyer’s escrow planning timeline, ensuring you stay on track and meet key deadlines throughout the home buying process.